Individual solutions for prospering communities.
Individual solutions for prospering communities.
Cities get smarter every day, and smart parking is a focal point in city management. When municipalities seek solutions for their challenges, they ask for competitive pricing, simple maintenance, and long-term scalability.
From recent projects, DESIGNA has listened to city and municipality customers and learned, what city parking solutions are all about:
From recent projects, DESIGNA has listened to city and municipality customers and learned, what city parking solutions are all about:
- Establishing a network of several parking garages and parking lots within the city limits,
- connection and interfaces to existing systems,
- operation from a single point of control,
- managing from a single parking management software and
- powerful reporting with highly aggregated figures and KPI, etc.

Modern and prospering cities welcome visitors, residents, commuters, tourists, shoppers and business people every day. These people are necessary to make the city a lively working place.
With constant growth in traffic, municipalities have to accommodate the growth and keep the convenience factor high for their audience. As the flow into the inner cities grow but the footprint remains the same, municipalities have to offer enough parking possibilities. Residents need to find a place to park nearby their home or workplace, and visitors or tourists require a good customer experience that will reflect positively on the city.

For every municipality this is a business opportunity. Space is an important asset that has to be handled strategically and from a long term perspective. With its enormous insights in the individual requirements of municipalities DESIGNA is the partner to cover both areas of interest – the gain in convenience for the users and the careful development of the valuable space-asset. No two cities are the same; their needs are different and complex.
At DESIGNA we provide flexible parking management systems in combination with server management and connectivity with e-commerce applications. Through our secure Cloud system, parking facilities can be connected to one central server, networking with each other.
Our devices enable cities to increase parking revenues and lower management costs, while improving customer experience and service. For a convenient City Life. Find out more about our customized business software solution. Our solutions include specific hardware and software features that are required for cities and municipalities in your area of activity: